ICON visits DYS Northeast Regional Center

The ICON office traveled to Middleton, MA to the Department of Youth Services (DYS) Northeast Regional Center on Friday, June 3rd. This was the first chance that the majority of the office was able to see the facility up close. The office was guided on a tour of the facility by Principal-in-Charge Ned Collier, and Project Managers Michelle Waldon and Paul DiGiandomenico.The Department of Youth Services (DYS) is the juvenile justice agency of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Their mission is to protect the public and prevent crime by promoting positive change in the lives of youth. They will accomplish this mission through interventions that build knowledge, develop skills and change the behavior of the youth in their care. They now have a beautiful new facility to help them achieve this goal, and the new 72,000 GSF complex supports this mission by providing a positive, healthy environment for the building occupants. One of the most prominent features of the building is that it was designed to include an ample amount of natural sunlight, which is included in all of the regularly occupied spaces. ICON employees enjoyed learning more about the facility, and were able to check out its details before the building officially opens this summer.



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