Ned Collier to speak at SCUP-48

ICON Higher Education Practice Director Ned Collier will be presenting at SCUP–48: “Cultivating Integration,” the Society for College and University Planner’s Annual International Conference,  July 27-31, 2013, in San Diego, California.




Technological, social, and pedagogic shifts are changing the learning experience with dramatic consequences for planners. This presentation will address trends in online and face-to-face learning and the implications for classroom and campus planning. The presenters (instructional designers, a technologist, an architect) will discuss the interaction between virtual and physical learning environments in creating blended and active experiences.  We will then look slightly into the future, moving from the blended classroom toward a process of integrated planning to support an engaged student experience.


Presented by:


Heather Tillberg-Webb, Lesley University, Interim Associate Provost, eLearning and Instructional Support


John McCormick, Lesley University, Senior Instructional Designer


Parke Rhoads, Vantage Technology Consulting Group


Ned Collier, ICON architecture, inc.

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