Out & About: Passive House Massachusetts Symposium

ICON’s Ned Collier, Principal/Director of Institutional Practice, Richard O’Dwyer, Senior Principal, and Michelle Apigian, Associate, will be attending the Fall 2015 Passive House Massachusetts Symposium tomorrow, October 17 from 9:00-5:00 PM.


This day-long symposium will connect architects, builders, engineers, home/building owners, policymakers, real estate professionals, students, and the general public by providing lectures and discussions with esteemed professionals. Vendors will also be attending the event, showcasing products and services regarding Passive Homes.


ICON is a proud sponsor of the symposium and will be hosting a table regarding the first multifamily Passive House project in New England, The Distillery. To learn more or register for the event, please visit http://phmass.org/.


The “Out & About” series features first-hand accounts of events attended by ICON in our community and beyond. We will post events as they happen.


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